Thursday, February 10, 2011

God's Provision

God put it on Paul's heart to take up an offering. There are some students here that were having trouble raising the money to pay for the lecture phase of the DTS. The total amount needed: $3300.

We prayed and took up an offering.

After they went and counted how much money we raised, we had $3300 exactly.

When we heard that we just started weeping and praising God for how good He is. There wasn't a dry eye to be found. Who would even begin to think that 13 poor students and a few poor staff would be able to raise that kind of money? Only God could make something like that happen.

The staff was telling us about how finances are always the most troublesome thing during DTS's. They are always praying and asking God about who to let into the DTS, and often God will tell them to let people in that can't really afford it. Then they trust God to provide. He always does, but it's so very stressful for the staff.

They were telling us, through wet tears, that this might be the first time ever that they've had the lecture phase paid off after only five weeks. God is moving in this DTS. He is moving in our hearts. He is shaping our minds. He is empowering us with His authority to go forth into India and Thailand. (Today we learned about authority. :) )

After this we just bowed our heads and praised God through our prayers. Some were in Romanian, some were in English. I just prayed and wept silently.

Lord, imprint this moment on our hearts and on our minds. Let us never forget that You have authority over our troubles. All You need is to speak a word and it will be done. We love you, Lord, and we praise Your name for this provision.

I often feel close to God when I praise Him, so I know what His presence feels like. There was an outpouring of His Holy Spirit in that place. He reached down and filled the room with His gentleness. We were overwhelmed, and all we could do is weep and praise Him.

I want to take this time to thank each of you. You all contributed to this moment. You have supported me with abundant prayers and exceeding finances, and I was able to give out of that abundance.

Today, the Lord has used you. Today, God used you to mightily bless all of us here at the DTS. If you don't think that God is using you, I just want you to know that He is; and He did it today.

You are special treasures to God, and He involves you in the works that He's doing. Today, you were part of a miracle, and I just want you to know that. :)


  1. i'm always needing to be reminded of His provision. this is awesome to read about.

  2. Praise reports are always great to hear. When God responds so quickly to our prayers you know something very special is taking place. Praise His Holy name.

  3. Mike, what had happened yesterday couldn't have been put into words better than this. I will post this on my blog as well, so that people from all over the world will see His wonders and praise His name. He is worthy!
