Friday, February 4, 2011

I found blogs

Tonight I found two blogs. (I hope they don't mind that I'm bragging about them.)

These two women have been a huge blessing in my life so far with their gentle spirits and bright smiles. Check out their blogs. If anyone deserves to be famous, it's these too, so make sure we give their blogs lots of hits.

Life update:
Tonight we did some manual labor. I'm no stranger to it, but I am a stranger to doing manual labor on the ceiling in 20 degree weather. (My shoulder muscles, a.k.a. the muscles you use to lift your arms above your head, are easily the weakest in my body.) The drilling in the cement was filling the entire room with dust, and all I could think of was Zoolander. "I got the black lung, Pop." *tiny cough* *tiny cough*

God update:
If there is one thing that has been overly emphasized recently in my life it's "calling." A book I'm reading is urging me to find my calling. The spiritual gifts teacher was talking about it in his teaching, and we even talked about it in my one on one this week.

So I've been doing a lot of thinking and praying about it, and today I might have found it.

During a presentation on Thailand, they started talking about doing children's programs. Immediately my mind started to plan and think about how I would lead something like that. I could do Shadrack, Meshach, and Abednego, and I could have some of my friends act out the parts, and if I had a white board I could have my friend play the guard and draw a firey furnace, and when he gets near it he could pretend it's really hot, and when the king gets angry and tells the guards to make the fire hotter, I could have my friend draw a bigger fire, then fall over dead because it was too hot, and then I could send the people playing the three main roles over to stand in front of the picture of the fire, and Jesus would show up with them...

Then, once my mind was done planning that all out, a second thought popped into my head. Why would a shy guy like me be so eager to jump in front of a crowd of people to do a presentation? I hate public speaking. Whenever I have to do it, my hands shake uncontrollably, and I can't stop shivering from nervousness. Yet somehow, being in front of kids is different. I love doing it. It excites me to try and be animated enough to keep their attention.

The only reason for this has to be Jesus. Is children's ministry my calling? That's what I think. Is it my only calling? I don't think so. Will I be called to it forever? I don't think so. Noah was called to build an ark, but once he was done he didn't immediately get started on a second one.


  1. I love teaching Daniel to kids because he's an easy character to sympathize with and his circumstances are easy for us to relate to as we try not to be OF the world. I like how he shows us that it's okay to be ambitious career-wise as long as you put God first.
