This week we've been learning about the person of the Holy Spirit. It's been really interesting because I've never really studied the Holy Spirit. We took a "whirlwind" tour of Luke and Acts and highlighted each verse that emphasized the Holy Spirit. I've never put that much emphasis on the Holy Spirit before, but seeing the emphasis that Paul, and even Jesus, put on needing the Holy Spirit, I'm going to go forward with a new perspective.
Our teacher also has the gift of prophesy, and throughout the week has been revealing prophetic words about each of the students, and a few non-students. I've talked to a few people after they've received the message and most of what he says is confirmation, but there are also new things. One person he revealed had the gift of healings. Another was revealed to have the gift of joy. Another was told that God alone is their judge and that they shouldn't worry about the bickering they have with their family members. Another was told that he is like an alarm that is going to be used to wake up people from their drunkeness and revelry.
Everyone received a very unique message. About half of them, I completely agreed with. One guy he said was a mighty warrior. I agreed with that one. I also saw him as a mighty warrior. The girl with the gift of joy has a smile that brightens your day, and it was easy to agree with him on that one as well.
I haven't received any prophecy yet, but I'll let you know if he speaks over me. I don't mind if he speaks over me, or skips me because God already speaks to me, and reveals to me different things. (Email me privately if you want to know what God has been showing me. It might make me prideful if I share them publicly.)
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