Sunday, March 20, 2011

"I have a job for you."

Hahaha, the title of this post is such an inside joke, that I think I'm the only one left that gets it. If I can't think of anything else to post tomorrow, I'll explain it. :-p

So, a couple days ago we had an India team meeting. In this team meeting we were each given our tasks for the India outreach. Here are mine. :)

Accounting: Booya. I was born for this.

Children's Ministry: Double booya. I'm on a team of four people, and we're all in charge of children's ministry, but this is also going to be super amazing fantastic.

Journaling & Photography: This sort of defaulted to me because I'm the only one on the team that has a blog, and I'm one of two people with a camera. However, this is going to be a fun task as well.

Teach Advanced English: Ummm, what? What does that mean? How advanced is "advanced"? Do I have to teach the difference between who and whom? Or between their, there, and they're? Or mabye they just want to know the difference between past, present, and future tenses. Where do I begin with this?

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