Saturday, March 26, 2011

Today's Adventure

Today's adventure was a short one. We went downtown and wandered around for a while. I took way too many pictures of clouds. (I couldn't help it. They were big and the sun was trying to peek through, and it was creating that cool sun beam effect.) Then we ditched the girls, or they ditched us, depending on who you ask. We agreed to split up, and then we weren't where we said we were going to be, and they couldn't find us. Oh well. It was still a beautiful day. The wind was blowing our hair around.

Also, I think Romania is a bad influence on me. A couple weeks ago, I was the get away driver when we stole a bride. Today we got on the bus without paying. It was about to leave, and the Romanian in the group jumped on the bus. We all followed, assuming she knew what she was doing, and then Brooklyn asks, "Ummm, were we supposed to pay?" "Yes." "Are we going to pay?" "No." Brooklyn felt so badly about not paying. She's a good person. I didn't feel bad at all. I'm a bad person. If I come back and start a crime syndicate, you can mark today as the day that I started down the slippery slope. (Or maybe stealing the bride was the day, and this is just further indication that I'm still sliding down.)

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