Friday, January 21, 2011


Maybe I should mention that my attitude has been much better. We're still going over stuff that is repetitive, but somehow it's reasuring. The teacher described what we were learning as bricks of knowledge that we were using to build a solid foundation. Each section that I already knew was a brick that I already had in my foundation. It made me happy to have so many bricks already.

I have more pictures to post to Facebook, but I don't want to overload people with pictures. It snowed here so the next pictures will be of that. :)

I finished first book, and now I'm reading Wild At Heart. It's a book about manly men, or rather how men need to embrace their manliness. Reading it makes me want to climb a mountain or build a log cabin or punch a bear.

Allow me to take this time to explain something about myself that you may not realize. I may be shy and timid most of the time, but I'd fight a bear if I had to. If we were hiking at night and a bear showed up, I'd fight that thing.

When I say fight, I mean delay the bear's attack long enough so that everyone could get away. I mean, let's be honest, I bear would eat me, but I'd still fight it if it meant saving everyone else's lives.


  1. post more pictures! i like pictures =)

  2. Yes, more pictures!

    And I hated Wild At Heart. I think it has a few very valid points, but on the whole I had a ton of issues with it. (You know me, so you'll probably be able to tell why as you read it ...)

  3. I'll do more pictures later. :) We'll have to have a discussion about Wild at Heart when I'm done.
