Friday, January 14, 2011

Week One

I've been here a week, and I'm getting used to the routine of things, so I thought I'd share a bit about that.

The theme of the DTS is, "Know God, and make Him known."

A typical schedule starts out with breakfast. The first few days, breakfast was at 8, yesterday it was at 7:30, and today it was at 8:30, so I don't know when the usual time is. After that we have quiet times for an hour. You can go wherever you want and just be with God. I spend mine reading my Bible. (I'm doing one of those things where you read the whole Bible in a year. Having a scheduled set of readings really helps to keep me disciplined and reading my Bible everyday.) If that doesn't take up the whole hour, and it usually doesn't, then I'll read my other book, "Is that you God?" and I'll pray, or I'll sing, or I'll just be quiet and try to listen for God's voice. My prayers are usually about India and Thailand. Lots of people already know which one they want to go to, but I don't know yet. I was feeling more called to go to India, but then they said that there's no toilet paper in India. Now I'm feeling more called to Thailand, haha. (But seriously, India is still my top choice dispite the lack of tp. In fact, the more I hear about all the difficult things there are about going to India, the more I want to go there. I'm stubborn like that. :) )

After quiet times we have class until 11, then a break for thirty minutes, then class until one. Lunch is from one to two. Work duties are from two to four, and dinner is at six.

Some of the topics in our classes have been: Intercession, Quiet Time, Small Groups, Work Dutys, Living in Community, and Worship & Praise. Let me know if you want me to give you my notes on any of those subjects.

This weekend I want to walk around the base and take lots of pictures. I want to do one of those things where you click through them really fast and it looks like you're walking around the place. :)


  1. I'd like those notes on worship! ...And I can mail you some tp once you get there :)

  2. i'm interested in living in community
